Mohamed Elchehimi


  • English

Registered Massage Therapist


  • Bachelors in Kinesiology from UBC Vancouver in 2016
  • Diploma in Massage Therapy from Sutherland-Chan School of Massage Therapy in 2021


  • Massage for ICBC and Motor Vehicle Injuries
  • Sports Injuries resulting from competitive and/or recreational activities
  • Fascial adhesions related to sports & chronic dysfunctional movement
  • Acute & Chronic injuries related to shoulders/arms & back/hips/knees
  • Motor Vehicle Injuries especially whiplash symptoms and shoulder impairments


  • Fascial Stretch Therapist Level 1
  • Kinesiologist & Personal Trainer for over 5 years
  • Private Practice Massage Therapist for over 2 years
  • Functional Movement Systems level I & II